The Lorelock is a strange and bold little creature that has dedicated its life to reclamation of ancient eldritch beings. Think Indiana Jones meets a librarian meets a Warlock. By scouring dark caves and old monuments, the Lorelock offers the revival of these creatures worship in exchange for power! Collecting gods and trinkets is all in a days work for the Lorelock.

Unfortunately,  our friend has found himself in a deep cave without the ability to get home! Delve deeper into the cave to uncover strange and beautiful new places--and perhaps an old god or two to worship.

Get there and back again, to jump back out of the hole you fell in.


The Lorelock is an old-school inspired metroid-vania featuring dozens of rooms, 10s of secret collectables, and several unlockable powers. Swing from platform to platform, jump from platform to platform, and climb from wall to wall in order to accomplish hard-core platforming challenges. 

Oh, and you're going to die. A lot. Seriously. But you respawn at the beginning of the room :)

Game Controller Suggested


Movement: Left Joystick /WASD
Jump: (A) / space
Roll: (B) / shift
Swing: (X) / ctrl

Restart Room: R

Previous Code: Character Controller, Level Manager
All programming, SFX, and art done by me in 1 week for the VimJam 2020.
Play Testing: My pals Calen, Ian, Tennison, and Monty

I really had a great time on this game jam, please leave some feed back and I'll see you at the next one!

(P.S. there are some speed run strats that allow you to beat the game in under 3 minutes)


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Looking great! Make sure to keep going

Just a small note to say that custom controls would be nice.. I can't use the swing because ctrl+direction on a mac causes OSX to switch between desktops.

Thanks for pointing this out, I recently found this out this also closes some browsers. Thanks for trying to play, and I now I understand more about good control layout